Photo of Chicago Therapist Josie Miller

Josie Miller


About Josie

Josie is a creative, warm and direct therapist. Her expertise in eating disorders guides clients down a path to recovery. With her help, clients solve any issues holding them back from true happiness. “A primary goal I implement in therapy is helping my clients attain self acceptance. Identifying and embracing our strengths and weaknesses allows us the freedom to grow and replace our negative, irrational beliefs about ourselves with kindness and confidence”.

Josie also works extensively with couples wanting to resolve marital issues and become more connected. “Often a couple experiences vast changes and dynamics throughout their relationship. I provide a safe, neutral environment and a positive perspective that allows couples to resolve conflict and ultimately build a stronger bond by focusing on and meeting each others needs”.

Lastly, josie offers christian based therapy for clients seeking to involve God in their therapy journey. “We are all broken, healing is a humble journey and when we open our hearts and invite God into our lives, nothing is impossible”.

Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways a knowledge him, and he will make straight your paths”