Eating Disorder Treatment
Rago’s is proud to offer research-based, creative, and state-of-the-art treatment for eating disorders – including anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge-eating disorder, body dysmorphic disorder, and more. We offer treatment in many forms, help address medical problems, and also offer nutrition counseling at every stage of your recovery.
You can learn more about our approach to eating disorder treatment here, and when you’re ready to reach out, we’d be honored to help you on your journey to recovery.

Signs & Symptoms
Common Warning Signs Associated with Eating Disorders
Looking at the different types of eating disorders can often make people feel left out as if they really don’t have an eating disorder.
There is really an overemphasis placed on thinness in this field. The myth that thin, young females are the only ones with eating disorders has caused hundreds of people to be misdiagnosed and confused about their own problem. Eating disorder studies have been able to factor eating disorders down to a few key issues.
Do these sound familiar to you?
If so, consider reaching out.
Understanding what you’re facing is an important step in recovery, and we’re here to help you gain that understanding.
At Rago & Associates we are dedicated to supporting and guiding you on the way to full and complete recovery from eating disorders. We will work with you and your family to create a treatment plan for eating disorder recovery that is as special and unique as you are. And we will help you every step of the way.
Do you have very distressing feelings about your body?
Do you tend to struggle with restricting and/or compulsive overexercise?
May include dieting, attempting to delay or prevent eating), purging, bingeing (a feeling of loss of control over eating).
Do you have an intense drive for thinness and body perfection?
Regardless of what you weigh.
Are preoccupied with food, weight and body image?
Ask yourself: “what percentage of your day do you spend thinking about food, weight and body image?

Common Eating Disorders
Rago’s is proud to offer research-based, creative, and state-of-the-art treatment for eating disorders – including anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge-eating disorder, body dysmorphic disorder, and more. We offer treatment in many forms, help address medical problems, and also offer nutrition counseling at every stage of your recovery.
Anorexia Nervosa
Anorexia is characterized by an intense drive for thinness. These people are literally consumed by and driven by trying to restrict and avoid certain foods and to engage in activities that could cause weight loss, such as intense exercise or severe food restriction.
Bulimia Nervosa
In bulimia nervosa, a person has episodes of binge eating. That’s when they eat more food than they intend to, then are so upset about what they ate that they become obsessed with ways to purge. This may include throwing up food or over-exercising.
Binge-Eating Disorder
Binge Eating Disorder is closely related to Anorexia and Bulimia, but in this disorder clients may not restrict their food, but they do find themselves bingeing and experiencing a loss of control over their eating.
Body Image
People with eating disorders have taught us that BODY IMAGE is one of the most difficult and triggering aspects of an eating disorder and one of the things that hold them back greatly from a full recovery. Body Image is complicated, resistant to change, and it can be a very negative force on our self-esteem.
Body Dysmorphic Disorder
Body dysmorphic disorder is defined as an excessive preoccupation with a real or imagined defect in personal appearance. People with BDD have an irrational, or distorted perception of how they look, and are obsessed with certain characteristics of their appearance.
Orthorexia is when a person becomes so obsessed with every detail of what they eat and their activity, and their regimen becomes so rigid that they have a decreased quality of life in following it. If this sounds like something you or a loved one are experiencing, Rago & Associates can help.

Eating Disorder Treatment
At Rago & Associates, we would like to be your consultants as you travel your path to recovery from an eating disorder
Your Treatment Plan
It is important to begin with a thorough assessment of your symptoms and the building of a treatment plan. Your treatment plan is the strategy that you and your counselor will use for your recovery. You, and your counselor together will make the blueprint for your recovery. It will be modified as you go along. It is often useful to include family members and friends to provide the support and resources needed for recovery.
Additional Resources
It is often useful to find complementary, additional resources for treatment. Some common additions to your treatment team could include medical monitoring resources, evaluation for psychiatric medication, nutritional counseling, exercise consultation and support. You will be treated with respect and you will be involved in all aspects of planning your care.