Intensive Outpatient Programs
What are intensive outpatient programs?
For every mental health issue there are many ways a problem can manifest itself. For many people, outpatient services are the most helpful, but as issues become more severe, there may be a need for more aggressive treatments, such as intensive outpatient programs (IOP), partial hospital, inpatient hospitalization, alternative schools and residential treatment programs.
At Rago & Associates, we specialize in how to understand and assess options for the most helpful level of care. It is important to us that we can help to guide you to the best alternatives for your care over time, and help you to transition through the confusing and difficult questions that may arise.
Alternative Levels of Care
The Rago Therapy team has extensive experience working with clients in alternative levels of care. Let us help you decide the best course of action and advise you along the way. We provide full family support and education as you make some of the most difficult decisions you will ever make.
We keep in touch with and visit residential programs throughout the United States, and more importantly, we keep in touch with people who have been to the programs to see first hand the details and successes of them. This allows us to best help you sort through your choices and select the best options for you and your family.
Individualized Care
Additionally, we provide our own version of intensive outpatient services at Rago & Associates. We work with you to create alternatives to traditional group-based, ordinary programs. Personalized, special programs that we tailor directly to your individual needs are possible here at Ragos.
We can use individual therapy, nutrition therapy, family and couples therapy, equine-assisted psychotherapy, art therapy, the “opening doors” project and specific trauma therapies such as Holographic Memory Resolution, Eye-Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing and somatic experiencing can all be used to find the correct solutions needed for your situation.
Group Care vs Individual Needs
Working in groups can cause difficulties because of learning negative ideas from other clients, and you may not get your individual needs met in a group setting since it has to be tailored to the whole group. And you may not get very much of the time you need when you are always working in groups.
As some clients have said, “I could teach these groups,” after going through a traditional hospital-based IOP programs. Ditch what doesn’t work, and create your own individualized intensive programs.
What can IOP treated?
Depression, Anxiety, Eating Disorders, Body Image Counseling, Weight Management, Addiction and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder are all examples of issues that we can assist you to create specialized IOP programs just for you. Take your life back, and make the most important investment your family can make: Freedom from Inner Turmoil, and the ability to move on with success and joy.