

Depression is a very common psychological disorder. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, almost 10 percent of the population suffers from depression annually. Think of ten people you know, and one of them is likely to be depressed.

At Rago & Associates, our compassionate therapists work collaboratively with you to identify the right medication and treatment plan to effectively reduce and overcome your symptoms.

Signs & Symptoms of Depression

Symptoms of depression include: sad, anxious or empty mood, feelings of helplessness, worthlessness, guilt, hopelessness, pessimism, decreased energy and difficulty concentrating or remembering.

Causes & Risk Factors for Depression

It is important to learn all that you can about whatever type of depression you may experience. Recognizing, predicting and eventually avoiding triggers, self-care skills, coping skills, changing self-defeating patterns, positive self-talk, and possibly following through with prescribed medication, can all be important parts of overcoming depression. For some people, psychotherapy will be sufficient to bring full relief from depression. For others, a consultation with a psychiatrist for anti-depressant medication would be recommended. If you decide to take medication it will be important to communicate regularly with your treatment team. Most people do not know that the first dose and type of antidepressant that you take may not be the best one. Please understand that you may need to have your doctor increase your dose, or try a different medication, until you feel better. There are many types of anti-depressant medication, so do not give up hope if finding the right one takes time.

Complications with Depression

It is quite common for people to need to change their dosage or change their medication over time. Don’t be discouraged if this happens to you. Keep working with your psychiatrist and treatment team until you feel better again. No one deserves to feel the pain of depression, so work aggressively and creatively, and realize that it may take time before you feel completely better.

Treatment for Depression

Your Rago & Associates therapist will guide you every step of the way as you find the right psychiatrist, medication and treatment plan to reduce and overcome your symptoms. Our experience with hundreds of clients recovering from depression, anxiety, OCD and other issues gives us the ability to share with you the ideas and directions that will help you move forward with your life again. Therapy is often like putting together a large jigsaw puzzle. It may take many pieces and much time before it is accomplished.

FAQ About Depression

Many clients who come to us at Rago’s have already been in treatment for depression but have not recovered. We strive to create effective treatment plans for you. We will look at the entire situation with you to see what has been missing in previous treatments. There may be an overlooked connection complicating your recovery such as trauma, medical issues, nutritional concerns, anxiety or relationship issue. We will partner with you to uncover why recovery has been elusive for you to find the best way to fully heal. The Rago team also has much interest and experience helping you navigate more cutting edge treatments such as ketamine therapy, if you wish to explore this as part of your treatment.