Family Therapy
We know there is nothing more valuable to you than your family. All families, however, will go through some periods of extreme conflicts and stress. It may be important to come together for family counseling during those significant times.
In family therapy, each person works on understanding and acceptance of each family member. The family works together on goal setting and improving communication. There may be a need to overcome anger and achieve forgiveness within the family. There may be particular patterns of interaction that need to change.
Getting caught up in family issues is natural because your family means so much to you. A therapist helps you stay objective and learn the ways each member can contribute to a healthier family system.
Another time that family therapy is helpful is when a family member is suffering from a medical, emotional or behavioral problem. The family can work together to better understand what that family member is going through and how they can help things get better for the individual and the family.
When a family member is struggling with any type of physical or emotional disorder there are many things the family can sort out to provide the best care and support for the family member as well as the best strategies for reducing stress on every family member.
In some cases, when family members make changes it even alleviates the mental health problem and improves the quality of life for everyone!
Consult with a Rago and Associates staff member to find out more about whether family counseling is right for you.

There is no one more precious to you than your child. And there is no harder task than parenting. As parents we have so many questions and decisions to make.
If you have a special needs child, parenting becomes even more confusing and complicated. A child could be considered a “special needs” child in the family due to any special medical, behavioral, emotional or mental health issue he or she is struggling with. That becomes a parent’s struggle too as you find ways to help manage and understand what your child is going through and what he or she needs.
We encourage you to sit down with one of our counselors to talk over different parenting strategies and how to implement the right ones for you into your family life.
Coping with Divorce
Divorce rates In the United States show that more than 40 percent of marriages end in divorce. Many individuals and families will need assistance to go through this painful process. The opportunity for a better life for everyone exists with each change, but the fears and anger that accompany divorce make this process confusing and difficult.
Counseling can help each family member sort out ways to cope and adjust in a healthy manner, and use effective problem-solving to create “win-win” situations for everyone.
Remarriage & Blending Families
As some couples and families go through divorce or death of a spouse/parent, they may further deal with the complex process of rebuilding a blended, or step-family. While these changes are opportunities for a better and more productive family, counseling is often needed to help families come up with new strategies to get along and enjoy family time.
Individuals in the family may need help to deal with loss, trauma, grieving and accepting new support as new families attempt to blend. Each person in therapy is supported to find adjustment, healing and happiness.